Monday, July 25, 2011

DIY: A Creative Way to Display Vacation Memories

    I don't know about you, but every time I go on vacation, I always get brochures from everywhere I go. I also buy souvenirs and keep all my tickets. When I get home, the items just get piled up on my shelves. So yesterday I decided I was finally going to find a way to display all my vacation memories. This is what I came up with...
    As you can see, my bulletin board is now quite full. But I think it actually looks pretty good, compared to a pile of paper on my shelf. I also have vacation photos displayed on the shelf, along with a journal from a trip to Wyoming when I was 7. There are also some stuffed animals, a wooden flute from Mexico, a Coke bottle from the World of Coca Cola, and glass artwork from Alaska. 
    Now onto the bulletin board. The majority of the board is covered in brochures, but I also have tickets, 3-D movie glasses, and an informational booklet from the World of Coca Cola. You may notice that there are also movie tickets on here. Well, that's because I had a few blank spots that I needed to fill, and they were the perfect size. I even have a putt-putt golf scorecard from a few years ago on the bulletin board.
    I think bulletin boards are great for displaying anything: vacation brochures, tickets, photos, and whatever else you can think of! What do you like to display on your bulletin board? Comment below. :)


  1. Oh that is fabulous, what a great way to display fun memories. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party.

  2. Thanks so much!
    And your newbie party is just wonderful :)

  3. I love this idea...and all the colors and fonts that catch my eye when I'm looking at it. It's a great way to relive memories from vacations.

    I have bulletin boards and photo boards in several places throughout my house. The biggest one is 36 x 48 inches and has office stuff on it. Others are tribute boards to loved ones.

  4. Thank you! :)
    And that's super creative, I never thought about doing that.
